How CoCarting benefits and grows your online shopping community:
Sign up: Use Facebook, a Google account, or your name and email address to create an account (be sure to check your email and confirm your sign-up).
Create a CoCart: From your dashboard, click on the “Create a CoCart” button. Name your CoCart (like “Ballet Shoes,” or “Baseball Mitts”) then select “Public” or “Private” under your “Cart Type.”
Invite your CoStars: “Invite” your friends and family (your CoStars) to join your co-owned shopping cart (anyone with access to your CoCart). Now you’re ready to go CoCarting!
Ready…Set…Shop Together: Use the search query tool to find millions of products from trusted brands, then, place them in your CoCart. Your CoStars can add their own products, vote, give feedback, and make collective decisions on big purchases. But best of all—use the chat (video chat coming soon) box to keep connected with friends and family wherever you are in the world.